The infamous Zeus malware has once again resurefaced as per Symantec and is capable of Draining your bank account.
Zeus propagates through phisining messeges that originate from an account that has been phised. Such an account phised accound will then start automatically sending messeges to friends with links to ads telling them to check out a video or product.
Of course, you should not click as doing s will get your account phised as well. The program is sophisticated enoght that it can replace a Bank's web site with a mimicked pages of its very own.
Then the fake page ask for social security number information and other data that is then sold on the black market.
According to trend micro the pages are being hosted by the Russian criminal gang known as the Russian Bussines Network.
Zeus was first detected on 2007 and it is spreading online. If you click on the Zeus virus, it is designed to steal your password and drain your bank account. Facebook is aware of the rising issue, but does taking appear to taking much action on it.
Erig feinberg, founder of the advocacy group Fans Against Kounterfreit Enterprise (FAKE) said he has tried to alert Facebook to the problem , with increassed urgency , but wasn't satisfied with their responce.
Additionally , Windows users be extra carreful. The virus is said to specially target Windows devices and will not work on Linux or Mac OS X.
The virus has badly effect on USA and UK , and has moderately affected India , Russia, Canada and France. Countries such as Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and a few more European and South East Asian Countries are less affected.
The HackerNews