Hallo my friends !!!
Do you like chatting with your friend around the world ? what applications you use frequently to chatting with your friend ?
Yahoo messenger , x-chat or other ?
But now i will share to you abuout pidgin , you can read what is pidgin in wikipedia.
So now , if you wanna chat with your friend in facebook using pidgin , you come to the right place.
This is the tutorials ..
First , you must download featured application facebook on pidgin, the list download below :
http://pidgin-facebookchat.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-facebookchat-1.47.tar.bz2 ( for Slackware or other)
http://pidgin-facebookchat.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-facebookchat-1.47.deb (debian , Ubuntu)
http://pidgin-facebookchat.googlecode.com/files/pidgin-facebookchat-1.47.exe ( Windows )
install that file on your system , and this is the screenshot on my pidgin
And when you're login into facebook , this is the result !
Okay , althought your internet connection is slow , you still online , and you can chat with anyone of your friends on facebook, enjoy it! and see you!