Inj3ct0r wishes you a Happy Milw0rm 1337 Day!!! Congratulations all h4x0rz
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Inj3ct0r wishes you a Happy Milw0rm 1337 Day!!! Wishes to all Inj3ct0r users!
Happy Milw0rm 1337 Day!!! Underground users Unite! It's our second birth!
Milw0rm on June 3 1998 gained access to Bhabha atomic research center, India.
They uploaded a the famous Nulcear Mushromm cloud picture with a slogan "Putting the power back in the hands of the people".
Milw0rm went on to make the largest mass hack upto that time.
Milw0rm history is not over without the mention of the largest archieve of Exploits which includes shellcodes, remote exploits,
webapp exploits and many more.
Milw0rm bought in the concept of Hacktivist with marvelous outcomes. Let us remember them for their deeds.
There can be No Old school like Milw0rm. Milw0rm your our Pride and Glory.
Let Us add one more thing....No one is dead from Milw0rm , All are alive and Having a wonderful life...
N00bers dont spread rumors :P
=> Information Lesson..
Student: Yo, what youz doing on leet day and 1337day Exploit DataBase?
Teacher: What is leet day?
Student: O_o ..
Teacher: What?
Student: Its t3h Global H4x0r Day! j00 4rE 4 n00b, 1m 4 1337 m4d h4x0/2 !!!!
Teacher: Oh, you mean Milw0rm. 4nd y3s! I us3 1337day.com. Whos teh nub now? i h4cky0u l4m3r.
Student: O_x .. do you know about 1337day.com?
Teacher: offcourse. I am Member of Inj3ct0r Team!
=> Student fainted..
<----Wishes too---->
JF, Keystroke, ExtreemUK, savec0re, VeNoMouS
<----Greets too---->
r0073r, r4dc0re, Sid3^effect, See Me, Xrogue, Gunslinger, Indoushka, Knockout, Zorlu, ant!-Tr0j4n, eXesoul, Kedans-Dz, Xecuti0n3r, CrosS
MorningStar ::-Andhra Hackers ::-Root-AR ::-DIS Team ::-ThehackerNews ::-Exploit-id ::-Elkorsan Team ::-Leetupload::-Xiya.org:
:-sekuritionline::-devilzc0de::-id-backtrack::-Devil Team PL
# 1337day.com [2011-06-03]
# Copyleft => http://1337day.com/exploits/16251