Hello friends , Meet with me again bro :)
and now i will show to you , "How To Install Metasploit On Ubuntu Linux." so check this out !
First you must connect to the internet because we will download the metasploit installer from rapid7.
What is metasploit ?
You can read about metasploit
here , and lets begin our listen.
Okay , now download metasploit installer in
http://www.rapid7.com/products/metasploit/download.jsp you can chose for linux 64bit or 32bit and its free.
now after you download the installer file , you must execute that file with this command.
my mine is 64bit , and don't forget to
chmod +x the metasploit file.
and then the metasploit setup will be open
Click forward to continue , and now metasploit will ask to you "where the metasploit file will be install ?" you can chose
/opt/metasploit as a place for metasploit file .
And now , the metasploit will be as "you wanna install metasploit as service ?" is you asnwer yes , you just type msfconsole on terminal and metasploit will be open but if you answer no you must going to file of metasploit and type
./msfpro to open it . Up to you what will you chose , but i will answer no and then forward.
and after that , the server name of metasploit , just forward in this section
Then instalation section will be start n your computer .
wait untill this process finish and your metasploit is ready.
The command to open metasploit.
if your metasploit run as service you just type this command to open it .
# msfconsole
But if your metasploit not run as service you must going to file of metasploit [not file installer.run] and type this command to open it.
# ./msfpro
and metasploit will be open.
Oke thats the instalation process , i hope you understand and thanks for coming.
See you!