Welcome back !!!
Okay in this time i will show you "How to playing music [mp3 file] On linux terminal"
"that impossible !!!"
what ? "Nothing Impossible in this wordl broo" :)
In linux operating system , you can do anything what you want. Because Linux is free and Open Source system.
Oke , we continue our listen.
Fisrt step , if you wanna play Music on terminal , you must connect to internet because we will download file from terminal.
Now open your terminal and type :
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
Thats for update your repository and upgrade your systems.
And now install the file what we need , type this command on your terminal
apt-get install moc
type Y to download it , and wait undil done.
and if you want run it , just type this command in your terminal.
dan this is the screen shot of mine :)
snip --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Enter = Play
Spacing = Stop
Q = Minimize
< = Minimize Noise
> = Maximize Noise
snip -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oke i hope you understand it bro !!! :) , and don't forget to come back again here .
Because if you need a problem , i have a solution for you :)
Best regards ./phiA