Oke friends , now i wanna tell you something about Wordpress .
!!! Wordpress is a free and Open Source blogging tool and a Content Management System (CMS) based on PHP and MySql.
From this simulation you can do anything what you want , custom the Themes , widget , html , code and many more.
Oke now its time Install Wordpress on your localhost [Linux].
You can Download the newest version of Wordpress from http://wordpress.org/download or you can download from terminal , this is the command
sudo wget http://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
this is the picture if you want download the latest wordpress version , now the latest of wordpress version is
and then extract latest.tar.gz file from wordpress , you can type this command to extract that file
sudo tar -zxvf latest.tar.gz
or you can extract manually, thatz up to you.
and after you extract the file, then you will find a file named wordpress , move that file to /var/www with this command mv wordpress /var/www
- Make database name for wordpress
Now make the database name for place to save the instalation file .
I will make a database named "wordpress"
Now , go to /var/www and then enter the wordpress directory , this command can bring you there,
cd /var/www/wordpress
and then config the wp-config-sample.php , enter your db_name , db_user and db_password, and save [ctrl+x]
rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php if you want .
Open your browser and Install your Wordpress , type this adress in adress bar http://localhost/wordpress
I think the instalation of wordpress is so easy to do , okay I hope you enjoy and understand the tutorials.
See you !!!