Hallo my friends!
In this section , i will teching you "How To Install Microsoft Office In Linux BackTrack 5 " , why microsoft office ?
Oke , listen to me . in linux, there are actually LibreOffice or OpenOffice, but when we first use linux maybe we are less familiar with it all, then the alternative is to install MicrosoftOffice in linux.
In this tutorial , i use Microsoft Office 2007.
Okey lets begin this tutorial
1. Prepare your Microsoft Office file or installer , and then in you linux , you must have wine [ WINdows Emulator ] if you are haven't , you can download it via terminal using this command :
# apt-get install wine
2. Open the Wine Configuration (Configure Wine) on select Windows XP default settings, continue Click the Libraries tab. in the drop-down menu, add msxml3, riched20, rpcrt4 and Usp10.
3. Install cabExtraxt with this command :
# apt-get install cabextract
if already, open a terminal, then download and run the Winetrick with the following command:
# wget http://www.spyrozone.net/playground/sh/winetricks.sh
4. executable file winetricks.sh earlier by typing this command in the terminal:
# chmod +x winetricks.sh
and then run the winetricks following this command :
Winetricks will appear like this:
you check in:
* corefonts
* tahoma
* dotnet20
* vb2run
* vb3run
* vb4run
* vb5run
* vb6run
* vcrun2005
* wsh56
Click the [OK]. The download process runs automatically.
5. If the instalation proccess finished , now its time to install Microsoft Office , Right-click on the setup.exe file and then click Open With Other Application -> Windows Program Loader. and install like normal when installed in windows of course.
6. If instalation Process finished , try to open Microsoft Office applications with a click Applications -> Wine -> Programs -> Microsoft Office
ok this MS Office on my BackTrack.
Now Microsoft Office has been installed on your system.
Thank you and See you!