Okay guys , now i will show how to install Apache2 , Mysql , Php5 and Phpmyadmin On Linux [Ubuntu]. This tutorial is important for you who interest to website programing, because this section is the basic to learn about website programing.
Okay we continue our listen !
Now Open your terminal and type this command.
sudo apt-get install apache2
After that , wait until instalation process finish , after that open your browser and type http://localhost in adress bar. If you appear as below, then the apache installation successfully.
Php5 is program to compile your php file in your website.
Now to install php5 , open your terminal and type this command !
sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
Wait until instalation done , and restart your apache2.
This is the command to restart your apache2
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
After that please create php.info file to determine its php version,
or you can follow these steps to more quickly.
sudo gedit /var/www
wrote this script when gedit window appears
<?php phpinfo (); ?>
and than save, open your browser and type http://localhost/php.info in adress bar . If it appears as shown below means the installation was successful.
Open your terminal , type this command and enter
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
After a while the installation of MySQL running, it will appear request a password for the root user. Please enter the password you want. More details see the following picture:
and repeat ones again your root password . See this image for more details :
Now you can try to operate your Mysql with Command Line Interface on your terminal , type this command to try .
mysql -u root -p
and enter you root password for mysql , if you done , the result must be like this .
Opern your terminal , type this command and enter
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
and after you have an interface like this picture below .
Chose apache2 for your websrever .After that a window will appear Configuring PhpMyAdmin again. Please select NO. More details see the following picture:
The Final step , if you want to see the GUI of phpmyadmin , you must linking the default directory of phpmyadmin in /usr/share/phpmyadmin to /var/www
the command to linking is
ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www
the result must be like this picture
Oke now is the final step to see the GUI of phpmyadmin.
Open your browser and type this in adress bar http://localhost/phpmyadmin
if you see picture like this , Congretulations your sucsessfully to install phpmyadmin.
Type your root password and enter . See what you get , thats the Database Broo.
Oke your sucsess in this section.
Thank You and See You !!!