Hello friends! :)
Now its time to learn something new , something different today. I will share "How To Custom Your Linux Terminal and Make it more beautifull than before" .
This tutorial is only for you my best palls :)
Oke Lets begin !!!
# First Step.
Your computer or laptop must be connect to internet , because we will download some package from repository, and then open your terminal.
# Install figlet
We must install figlet to make our terminal look so pretty than before. What is figlet ? you can read in
here the definition about figlet. Type this command to download figlet from the repository.
apt-get install figlet
Wait until download process done and then edit the bash.bashrc file.
Okay , you can edit bash.bashrc file with this command.
gedit /etc/bash.bashrc
And you must edited the bash.bashrc file.
Put this script at the very bottom of the bash.bashrc file.
# figlet start here [ edit manually ]
figlet -c "your text"
Like this picture :
Change your text to your text what you want to show on tour terminal , like this screen shoot of my terminal, i change to "Copyleft System".
You can see it below
Okay , its done !!!
I hope you understand it and See you !!!